Preserving A Maine Tradition.
Maine people have a reputation of hard work and ingenuity, and ice harvesting was one result of that Yankee trait. Learn about this long standing Maine tradition, beginning 200 years ago, through our exhibits, including old tools, and a video presentation about ice harvesting.
Visit our Educational Museum July - August.
Join us for our Annual Ice Harvest in February and Ice Cream Social in July.
The Thompson Ice House Museum’s mission is historical preservation, education and community engagement.
Our events are fundraisers which maintain the preservation and operation of the Thompson Ice House. Donations graciously accepted.
Annual Ice Harvest NEW DATE, due to storm forecast
Saturday, February 22, 2025 (11-3)
In the small Maine village of South Bristol, a hardy group of volunteers gather each year to harvest naturally frozen ice, in much the same way it has been done since 1826. The annual Ice Harvest brings people from all over the local area and far beyond, to watch the harvest and participate in an historical reenactment of ice harvesting.
Annual Ice Cream Social
Sunday, July 6, 2025
(noon-3) - Rain or Shine
The ice harvested each year is used to make ice cream for our Annual Ice Cream Social held every July. All ages love to hand crank ice cream using ice from the ice house, socialize with friends, and visit our Museum exhibits.
NEW! Online Store! Support Thompson Ice House…
Order Your Custom Hats, Shirts, Sweatshirts, Drinkware Here….
Merchandise can be purchased with cash, checks, credit and debit cards at the Ice Harvest and Ice Cream Social, but only cash and checks during open days of the museum in July and August.